Among your New Year’s resolutions, you might have some goals for healthier eating, more frequent exercise, or improved money management. But have you set any goals for better sleeping?Maybe you should...
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancer diagnoses for men and women in the United States, but it can be very successfully treated when caught early. Despite this, colorectal cancer continue...
Leif Nordberg, M.D., always knew he wanted to be a surgeon. He pictured a career in heart surgery, but during his medical education he felt pulled in a new direction when he witnessed the breast recon...
Driving back and forth from Dunn to Fayetteville four times a week might seem like an inconvenience, but Billy Shaw and his caregiver Carolyn McLamb call it a godsend for his Parkinson’s therapy.“We a...
All those rich-voiced years he spent behind a microphone created a slew of fond memories for retired radio disc jockey and racetrack announcer Marty Webb. Near the top? That would be his interview of ...
Vascular surgeons Robert Albrecht, MD, and Thomas Beadle, MD, have joined Cape Fear Valley Health to lead the system’s first vascular clinic. Cape Fear Valley Vascular Specialists is a new option for ...
A new comprehensive cancer center in Lillington will soon break ground, bringing new radiation oncology services to the Harnett Health campus.The expansion of medical oncology services and the additio...
At the start of 2021, Tami Pope was struggling a bit.“I always run myself down during the holidays,” she said, “so I usually spend January and February recouping. But this time I was more tired than u...
A new mobile CT scanner is revolutionizing cranial and spinal procedures at Cape Fear Valley. It offers surgeons diagnostic-quality CT images of their patients’ brains and spines during surgery in the...
In 2019, nearly 71,000 people died from opioid overdoses, according to the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC). CDC statistics say more than 70 percent of overdose deaths involve prescript...