Medical Records

Your health record includes your medical history such as allergies, medicines, and test results, as well as health insurance information and how to contact you. It is the duty of Cape Fear Valley Health to ensure that your record remains confidential and accessible and is maintained and released in accordance with applicable laws.

If the patient is under 18 or an adult who is unable to make medical decisions, a parent or legal guardian must sign the consent release. With your signed authorization request, please include a copy of your government-issued photo ID and any legal documentation giving evidence of your right to request information on the patient’s behalf. For additional information, please consult our FAQ page.

If a patient is deceased, the legally appointed executor of an estate or next of kin must consent to the release along with supporting documentation. Deceased patient records are protected under HIPAA laws and require specific documentation to be submitted in addition to a signed authorization request. 

Request Your Medical Records from Cape Fear Valley Health

To request copies of Billing and/or Medical Records, please submit a patient authorization form and select one of the methods below. Please also  be sure to review your medical records privacy rights.


For records created within the last 5 years, submit a request through MyChart or download the Cape Fear Valley Health Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information Form in English and Spanish.


Patient continuation of care STAT requests 866-381-4049; all other requesters 866-476-9682.

Email a PDF of your completed authorization to Medical Records. ( Prior to sending your completed authorization by email, review our Guidelines for Electronic Communication.


Cape Fear Valley Health

Attn: Health Information Management Department

1638 Owen Dr.

Fayetteville, NC 28304

Customer Service

Questions? Give us a call at 978-922-0016.


You may stop by at any of our locations during specific walk-in hours.

Cape Fear Valley Medical Center10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Betsy Johnson Hospital10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Central Harnett Hospital9:00 a.m. - Noon
Hoke Hospital9:00 a.m. - Noon
Bladen County Hospital9:00 a.m. - Noon
Highsmith Rainey Specialty Hospital9:00 a.m. - Noon

Request Formal Copy of Health Record

To submit a digital request of your medical record, fill out this form (English or Spanish). This request requires processing and may take a few days.

Medical Records Forms and Instructions

Online FormDownloadable Version
Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information English/SpanishDownload
Request for Amendment of Protected Health InformationDownload
Medical Records Privacy RightsLink
Request for Restrictions on Use and Disclosure of Health InformationDownload
Request for Accounting of Disclosure of Health InformationDownload
Revocation of Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information 
Guidelines for Electronic Communication