Cape Fear Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in Dunn is proud to offer game-changing orthopedic care to Harnett County and the surrounding Communities. We understand that seeking orthopedic care can be a challenging journey, and we’re here to walk that path with you, offering support and expert guidance every step of the way.
Cape Fear Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine – Dunn
Our Doctors
Anthony Parker, DO
- Orthopedics
ACL Tears/ Meniscus Tears
Arthroscopic Procedures
BMAC (bone marrow aspiration concentrate) Injections
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy
Fracture Care
Injection’s for Joint and Soft Tissue Conditions
Joint Pain Relief
Joint Replacement
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Ultrasound Guided Injections, Hydrodissection and other procedures
Orthopedic Surgery
Overuse injuries
Radiofrequency ablation for knee pain
Rotator cuff tear
Shoulder Replacement
Shoulder instability
Sports injuries
Tenex tenotomy
Ultrasound guided procedures