Rotation Structure

During the three years of our program, fellows will be provided experiences in:

  • Cardiac Consults
  • Non-Invasive Cardiology Echo/Imaging
    • Echo - Each fellow will perform a minimum of 75 and integrate a minimum of 150 studies, including transesophageal cardiac studies. Annually the institution performs over 14,000 cardiac echo's per year and over 7,200 transesophageal studies.
    • Imaging - Each fellow will perform a minimum of 50 stress tests and integrate a minimum of 100 radionuclide studies to include SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging and ventriculograms, including PET MRI and CT Scan. Annual the institution performs approximately 5,000 nuclear stress tests studies per year.
  • Cath Lab - Each fellow will participate in a minimum of 100 catherization which will include left and right heart catherization, hemodynamics, including coronary arteriography. Annually our health system performs over 3,500 cardiac catheterizations.
  • Non-Invasive Cardiology - Each fellow will perform a minimum of 75 and integrated a minimum of 150 studies, including transesophageal cardiac stints.
  • Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU)
  • Electrophysiology - Temporary and permanent pacemakers, electrocardiography
  • Multiple electives built in each year which 50% of this time will be dedicated to research.