Cape Fear Valley Sweet Kids with Diabetes Spring Ball is a historic, annual, fund-raising event. All profits raised will go towards the only “Diabetes Adventure Camp” in Cumberland and surrounding counties. The Spring Ball allows children with diabetes and families to come together and enjoy a fun night. The event is opened to any person with or without diabetes who wishes to attend. There will be DJ music, dancing, games, family photography, and Live and Silent Auction plus more. Everyone is welcomed.
- Saturday, April 12th
- Cape Fear Valley Center for Medical Education
- Corner of Owen Drive and Melrose Street
- 1638 Owen Drive
- Fayetteville
- 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
For more information
- Dr. Brunilda Cordero
- bcord@capefearvalley.com
- 910-615-1885
- Adult: $75
- Child: $25
Click here.
Children with Diabetes can sell 3 adult tickets and their Camp Fee Registration is paid in full.