Donate blood at Cape Fear Valley Blood Donor Center and help patients in need in Cumberland, Hoke, Harnett and Bladen counties. Your generosity can directly impact the well-being and recovery of those in your local community.
About the Blood Donor Center
Cape Fear Valley Blood Donor Center allows local donors to save lives in their community.
We have a rigorous screening process to ensure that only eligible donors can donate blood. Moreover, we take every measure to thoroughly sanitize equipment and train staff in infection control.
The safety of our donors and recipients is of utmost importance.
Our Blood Donor Center is committed to providing a secure and successful blood donation experience for everyone involved.
Blood Donor Eligibility
To give blood, donors must:
- be at least 17 years of age or 16 with signed parental consent
- weigh at least 110 pounds
- be in good health
- have proof of identification
- have last donated blood more than 8 weeks ago (platelets can be donated every two weeks; double red cell donations can be made every 16 weeks)
Potential donors may be temporarily or permanently ineligible to donate because of issues related to their medical history or travel to some countries (see the following).
FDA restrictions based on international travel
If you were previously deferred by our donor center from giving blood because of risks associated with malaria and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), also known as mad cow disease, you may be eligible today based on updated guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Malaria is a disease that can be contracted through travel to certain areas, and travel to these areas may sometimes defer blood donors.
If you traveled to areas where malaria is endemic in the past three months or lived in such regions in the past three years, you may be deferred from giving blood.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) are infectious diseases that can be transmitted through blood transfusion. No tests exist to detect the disease in blood, so the FDA mandates special precautions to protect the blood supply.
If you have traveled outside the United States and Canada, your destinations will be reviewed at the time of donation.
If you are unsure of eligibility, please call the Blood Donor Center at (910) 615-LIFE (615-5433).
Host a Blood Drive
Hosting a blood drive is one of the most rewarding community service projects! Each unit of blood collected can save up to three local lives. Hosting a blood drive is a great way to be seen as a leader in your community, workplace, school or place of worship.
By hosting a blood drive, your organization will feel the benefits of teamwork when they have a successful drive. Organizing the event takes a little time, commitment, teamwork, and enthusiasm, but the psychological benefits are just as great as the physical ones when it comes to participating in a blood drive.
Hosting a blood drive is easy, and our recruiters will help you every step of the way. To host a blood drive, call (910) 615-LIFE (615-5433).
How to Host a Blood Drive
High school seniors who host blood drives and plan to pursue degrees in the health sciences or health occupations are eligible to apply for the Partners for Life Scholarship, funded by Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation.
To learn more about the Partners for Life Scholarship, click here.