Employee Wellness | Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) | Cape Fear Valley Health

Employee Wellness

About Us

Valley Connected Care is a voluntary program for employees and their spouses who are also on the benefit plan. By enrolling into the program, you received a lower premium if you are on the EXTRA plan and an additional contribution to your health saving account on the ECO plan. Valley Connected Care consist of an interdisciplinary team who is dedicated to provide you high quality care coordination services across the healthcare continuum.


For Employees

By enrolling into Valley Connected Care, you will receive the Wellness Program discount. There is no cost or penalties for your participation or refusal to participate in the ACO Navigation Services program and I may choose to discontinue services at any time. I understand that if I choose not to take part in Valley Connected Care Programs, or stop connecting with the program while enrolled, I will no longer qualify for the Wellness Program discount and my medical benefit premiums may be adjusted to the non- discounted rate. I understand that participation in the ACO Navigation Services program will not change health insurance plan benefits, copays or deductibles, nor does it change my ability to choose my providers within the Medcost network.

What does all of this mean?

By consenting to be a member of the Valley Connected Care, you have agreed to Navigation Care Services by our nurses. Your information will only be used to help us provide quality care. If you or a family member accessed services through the Emergency Department, have an overnight stay at the hospital, or have a chronic medical condition you may qualify for Care Navigation Services and may receive a call. We also provide health and wellness coaching to assist you in reaching your personal goals.

Health Resources

  1. CFV Community Resource List
  2. Medcost site links/resources